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Wickedly Reviewed: Limbo Demon’s Desires by Rachel Kinsley

What’s the best cure for post college ennui? A new life as a sex worker for demons.

A Demon Takes Virginity

Rachel Kinsley’s book, Limbo: Demon Desires, is an easily readable, episodic, novella. Honestly, the structure of the book might be my favorite part. I read each hot chapter on lunch breaks over the course of about two work weeks.

The story begins with a set up we all know too well: Samantha is out of college, in a seedy city, and not sure where to go from there. Next thing, she visits a fortune teller who advises her that she’s marked and special. Maybe that explains why Samantha, despite having a high drive for sex, is a virgin.

Before long, an incubus visits Samantha, and her virginity is gone by the morning.

 Sex working and Temptations

After Samantha joins the demon brothel, she services demons of fear, sloth, greed and so on. In each sexy episode, author Rachel Kinsley adds some spicy temptation. The demons want more then sex. They want to corrupt Samantha through whichever sin they represent. Because of them, every sex scene has a layer of psychological domination in addition to Samantha’s submissive role. Does Samantha break?

Slut. Demons. Torture.

The answer comes at the story’s last scene. Without spoiling anything, sex with demons requires some serious sadism. There’s no shortage of humiliation, pain, and submission there. What I read was at least as intense as the most hardcore scenes I’ve enjoyed at  It left me exhausted to read to the end.

Naturally, I enjoyed this book. I hope you do too.

About the Author

Rachel Kinsley is an erotic author with a passion for delving into the surreal, magical, and mystical sides of sex inherent in mythology, fantasy, and science fiction. She enjoys finding ways to slip erotica into tales that already exist, as well as devising her own unconventional storylines to awaken the sexual imagination of her readers.

When not writing or contemplating delicious erotica, she creates illustrative art and indulges in her geeky addictions for video games and D and D.

Published inbook reviews